Monday, May 20, 2013

Dobby: A Free Elf

Hi everyone! Sorry for posting late, I had some Internet troubles. This week I would like to discuss the character Dobby. In the second book, Dobby gets Harry in trouble and in his attempts to stop him from going to Hogwarts nearly kills him. At the end of the book Dobby becomes a free elf when Harry gives the diary to Mr. Malfoy (which contains his sock) who then gives it to Dobby. In the seventh book Dobby comes to the rescue when Ollivander, Luna, Griphook, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are prisoners in Malfoy Manor. As Dobby begins to Apperate Bellatrix Lestrange's knife goes inside of the portal and when they are safe at Shell Cottage Harry finds Dobby dying because of Bellatrix's knife in his body. At least Dobby died as a free elf to save Harry Potter.

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